"Coping mechanisms of parents with visually impaired child" by Angelica May R. Bundoc, Yoko Matos et al.

Coping mechanisms of parents with visually impaired child

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Children with Disabilities, Adjustment (Psychology), Visullay Impaired


The study was conducted in selected areas around Metro Manila and utilized a quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental method. One hundred (100) parents of visually impaired child aged 2-11 years old were the respondents of the study. The respondents of the study were chosen using non-probability sampling. The research instrument was an adapted-modified questionnaire. Data was analyzed using frequency, mean, t-test, and f-test. Most of respondents were 31-40 years old, with a child 6-11 years old, married, college graduate, belong to a nuclear family, female, with family income of Php10,000 and below, Catholic, with a child having a congenital cause of visual impairment, and also having a totally blind child. The coping mechanism of parents with visually impaired child revealed that they have a very high use of appraisal-focused as well as problem-focused strategies of coping mechanism. Data analysis also showed that they have a high use of emotion-focused strategy for coping mechanism. There were no significant differences on the coping mechanism of parents in terms of age, age of their child, cause of visual impairment, civil status, educational attainment, family structure, and type of visual impairment of the child. But there were significant differences on the coping mechanisms of parents in terms of gender, monthly income and religion.

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