"The relationship of social support system to the anxiety level of prim" by Kristel Rea S. Antiga, Myla A. Banasihan et al.

The relationship of social support system to the anxiety level of primigravid women

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Anxiety, Psychosocial Support Systems, Pregnant Women


The study used a descriptive type of research. Fifty (50) primigravid women from selected communities in Cavite were identified as the respondents using convenience sampling. A self-made questionnaire was used as data gathering. Data was analyzed through mean, percentage, frequency, t-test of independent means, f-test or One Way ANOVA and Spearman’s Rank-Order Correlation (Spearman’s Rho). The study concluded that, 1) Most of the respondents consisted of primigravid women from selected communities in Cavite who were 20-39 years old, married, had an income of below P10,000, Catholic, college graduate, on their third trimester, and received social support from primary source (husband, sibling and parent); 2) The level of social support, whether emotional or informational, rendered by the husband, family, relative, friends and significant others were perceived by the respondents as high degree; 3) The anxiety level of majority of primagravid women was mild; 4) The level of social support was not affected by age, civil status, educational attainment, family income and religion of primagravid women. However, the level of social support was affected by stage of pregnancy and source of social support; 5) The level of anxiety of primigravid women was not affected by age, civil status, educational attainment, socio-economic status, religion, stage of pregnancy and source of social support; 6) There was a significant relationship between social support and level of anxiety of primigravid women of selected communities in Cavite. Social support is a predictor of the level of anxiety of the respondents. The higher the level of social support, the lower the anxiety level. Conversely, the lower the social support, the higher the anxiety level of the respondents.

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