"Coping strategies on the lifestyle changes of persons who suffered fro" by Cherry Mae M. Arbotante, Algrin M. Francisco et al.

Coping strategies on the lifestyle changes of persons who suffered from stroke

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Adjustment (Psychology), Stroke, Coping Behavior


The study used a descriptive quantitative type of research. The respondents of the study were post-stroke individuals who have met the inclusion criteria and were selected using non-probability purposive sampling. The researchers utilized an adapted-modified type of questionnaire which was subjected to content face validation by three respectable validators. Data was analyzed using frequency distribution, mean, t-test, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The following were the results of the study: (1) the profile of the 100 respondents showed that 51%of the entire population belonged to 50-55 years old age group, 21% were high school graduates, 69% had only one attack of stroke, 60% are males, 82% had a blue-collar job, 85% of the population are Catholics, 64% were breadwinners before the attack of stroke, and 50% had a monthly income of below Php8,000; (2) the persons who suffered from stroke always use planning, active coping, acceptance, positive reframing, religion, and lastly, emotional support as their coping strategies; (3) the coping strategies of persons who suffered from stroke showed no significance difference when they were grouped according to age, educational attainment, frequency of attack, gender, religion, and socio-economic status. On the other hand, the coping strategies of persons who suffered from stroke showed a significant difference when they were grouped according to their roles in the family.

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