"The correlation between physical changes and the level of self-esteem " by Czarina B. Camama, Alexia Luigi Lorenzo C. Cresencia et al.

The correlation between physical changes and the level of self-esteem of primigravid women in selected Barangays in Imus City I, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Pregnancy, Self-Esteem


The researchers utilized a quantitative, non-experimental, correlational research design to compare and quantify relationship between the two variables of the study. The main sources of data came primarily from the responses of a total of 80 respondents form Bayan Luma I to IX of Imus City I. The respondents were chosen using purposive and snowball sampling. Self made questionnaire and an adopted tool was used as research instrument. Data was analyzed using frequency distribution, percentage distribution, mean, standard deviation, t-test, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Spearman’s Rho Coefficient, and Cronbach’s Alpha. Most of the primigravid women form Barangay Bayan Luma I-IX Imus City I, Cavite belonged to the 21 to 25 years old age group, married, Catholics, have obtained high school level of education, with a monthly family income of Php1,000-5,000, with their partner or husband as their source of support system, and on their fourth to sixth month pregnancy. All of the primigravid women experienced weight gain. Only some of them experienced increased size of abdomen, increased breast size, darkened nipples, darkening of the underarm, darkening of aerola, darkening of skin groins, linea nigra, stretch marks in the abdomen and thighs, inward curvature of back or Lordosis, chloasma, varicose veins, selling of either face, hands, or legs, acne, hair fall. The presence of hemorrhoids was the least occurring physical change among the primigravid women. Majority of the primigravid women have a normal level of self-esteem with the total self-esteem score of 22 being the highest frequency. There was no significant difference in the level of self-esteem of primigravid women when grouped according to age, monthly income, religion, and term of pregnancy. However, educational attainments, marital status and source of support system were significant factors in the level of self-esteem of primigravid women. There was no correlation between physical changes and the level of self-esteem of primigravid women.

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