"The difference of having male and female single parent in terms of the" by Yolanda C. Valencia and Ma. Lorena Rios

The difference of having male and female single parent in terms of the advantages and disadvantages to the upbringing of BSN students of DLSU-EAC SY 1991-92

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Sing Parent, Students, Nursing, Family Relations, Parenting


The research design used in this study is the descriptive comparative type. Close ended type of questionnaire is used in gathering data. A total of 20 students having a single mother and 20 students having a single father were chosen as respondents from different year levels. They were selected using quota sampling technique. Data was analyzed through mean and t-test. The study concluded that the significant disadvantages encountered by the respondents having a single mother is that the parent has the tendency to become over protective and strict to the detriment of the children’s development whereas for the respondents having a single father is the role modeling for orderliness and cleanliness in the house is wanting. There is no significant difference between the disadvantages encountered by the respondents having male and female single parent. On the advantages perceived by the respondents having a single mother and father, almost all of the advantages listed are significant for both except for the single mother respondents which have two (2) factors that are not significant: 1) that the children have an early knowledge of the financial limitation of a single parent earner thus they become long demanding for luxuries and 2) decision making in the family is faster because there is less channel for decision making. There is a significant difference between the advantages perceived by the respondents having a single mother and father.

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