"Cultural beliefs and practices related to postpartum healthcare manage" by Anna Patrizia DP. Agustin, Jhazelyn R. Collado et al.

Cultural beliefs and practices related to postpartum healthcare management in selected rural communities in Pila, Laguna

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Maternity Nursing, Maternal and Child Welfare


This study utilized non-experimental, descriptive research design. Actual data gathering taken from 100 willing postpartum mothers of child-bearing age (15-45 years old), was conducted in five selected rural communities in Pila, Laguna, namely Sta. Clara Sur, Labuin, Pinagbayanan, Masico, and Pansol in which twenty (20) respondents from each barangay represented the population. The respondents were chosen using non-probability convenience sampling. The questionnaire was adapted and modified from the undergraduate thesis of Tayam, Tonga, Trinidad, Vicente (2005). Data was analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, t-test, and f-test. Despite the uncertainty of respondents to the cultural beliefs and practices regarding post-partum health care management, results showed that there were still respondents that continue to perform the aforementioned cultural beliefs and practices. There was no significant difference of cultural beliefs and practices regarding health care management with regard to the different independent variables of the study. This shows that performance of such beliefs and practices were influenced by constant practice and nurturing of immediate family members and elders of the community.

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