"Behaviors of high school students as an effect of parenting styles the" by Maricirs O. Liwag, Zarah Jane S. Mejala et al.

Behaviors of high school students as an effect of parenting styles they received

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Students, High School, Parenting


This study used a descriptive method. A total population of 160 high school students from ICA Dasmarinas, Cavite were selected using random sampling. A questionnaire patterned after an undergraduate thesis of psychology students adapted and modified to serve as the instrument. Mean, t-test and f-test were used in the statistical analysis of data. The study concluded that, 1) Majority of the respondents belong to 13-14 years old group, male, eldest child in the family, parents have white collar jobs and the parenting style used was authoritative; 2) The commonly manifested behavior of the respondents was going to school on time, which means that respondents valued education and showed a good sense of discipline; 3) The commonly manifested behavior of high school students was to go to school on time when the parenting styles used were authoritarian, authoritative and permissive, which means that the value of education was integrated properly and implemented by the child guided by their parents; 4) There exist no significant difference in the behaviors of high school students as an effect of parenting styles they received when grouped according to age, sex, ordinal position and parent's occupation; 5) There exist significant difference in the behaviors of high school students as an effect of parenting styles they received when grouped according to parenting styles used.

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