"Fears and anxieties experienced by primigravida towards their pregnanc" by Maybelle R. Compuesto and Jennifer B. Gabiola

Fears and anxieties experienced by primigravida towards their pregnancy

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Pregnancy, Fear, Anxiety


This study utilized a descriptive-exploratory design involving primigravida on their third trimester and conducted in Kawit and Rosario, Cavite. Out of 185 primigravida, 80 samples were chosen purposely and non-randomly. An adapted questionnaire using Likert scale was utilized. The results were treated statistically through relative frequency, f-test, t-test and the mean of gathered samples. The study concluded that the fears and anxieties of primigravida towards their pregnancy had significant difference when grouped according to educational attainment and socio-economical status. There was no significant difference on the fears and anxieties when grouped according to age and occupation.

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