"Experiences of individuals belonging to a blended family" by Rheuben Paul Anthony R. Dionela, Kamylle R. Martinez et al.

Experiences of individuals belonging to a blended family

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Family Relations, Stepfamily


The study was a qualitative research and its purpose was to describe the experiences of the participants caring from a blended family by using the question, “What are your experiences as an individual belonging to blended family?” This study focused on the experiences of individuals belonging to a blended family for at least 1 year. The participants were 18 years old and above, were willing to participate in the study, and able to articulate their experiences. Purposive sampling and snowball sampling were used in the study. Eight (8) participated were interviewed in their most convenient time. Upon the completion of the interview, the Colazzi’s method of data analysis was utilized. After analyzing the data, four (4) themes and two (2) sub-themes were identified. The first theme was Chasing the Roots. It tackles about the reasons that led them to become blended families. The second theme was Facing the Inevitable Truth. It discusses how the participants reacted to the news that they will become part of a blended family. The third theme was As We Branched Out and Grew, tackles the relationships that the participants experience with the different members of their blended families. And the fourth and last theme, As We Look Back and Reflect, shows the reflections and realizations of the participants as they look back the first time they were left to deal with being part of a blended family.

First Advisor

Rowena C. Laigo

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