"Social cognitive and psychological adjustments experienced by nursing " by Manilyn Dimapilis, Moriz Pink Elorde et al.

Social cognitive and psychological adjustments experienced by nursing students batch 2006 after reshuffling

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Social Adjustment, Emotional Adjustment, Nursing Students


This study utilized a quantitative type of research. The respondents were 200 bonafide nursing students Batch 2006 in De La Salle Health Sciences Campus who underwent reshuffling and selected through purposive sampling technique. The researchers utilized a 30-item self-made questionnaire as the data gathering tool. The statistical treatments used were percentage, mean and t-test. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Majority of the respondents were female, Catholic and living in their own houses; 2) The respondents had positive social, cognitive and psychological adjustments after reshuffling; 3) Social adjustment was affected by gender and living environment. Male respondents and students living in their dormitory were able to adjust better. Religion did not affect the respondents; 4) Cognitive adjustment is affected by gender. Male respondents were able to adjust better. Religion and living environment did not affect the respondents cognitively; 5) Psychological adjustment was affected by gender. Male respondents were able to adjust better. Religion and living environment did not affect respondents psychologically.

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