"Factors affecting the study habits of fourth year Bachelor of Science " by Jill Katherine A. Lim, Jad Reiner I. Mendoza et al.

Factors affecting the study habits of fourth year Bachelor of Science in Nursing students of De La Salle-Health Sciences Campus school year 2004-2005

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Study, Nursing Students


The study utilized a descriptive type of research. The respondents were composed of 150 male and female fourth year Bachelor of Science in Nursing students of De La Salle Health Sciences Campus chosen using purposive sampling technique. The questionnaire used were adapted from Walter and Siebert’s (1996) self-assessment tools and Brown and Holtzman’s (1993) survey of study habits and attitudes as references. The instrument consisted of Part A, which collected data on gender, parent’s monthly income, living arrangement while studying, family structure and personality types and Part B, which listed the different factors affecting the study habits of the students. Data was subjected to statistical treatments such as frequency, percentage, t-test of independent means and f-tests. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Majority of the respondents are female, have a monthly family income of P30,000 and below, with two-parent family structure, live in a dormitory, and has artistic personality type; 2) The respondents identified conducive study environment, satisfactory teacher characteristics, strong parental support, strongly motivated to study and have good time management in studying among factors affecting the study habits; 3) There is no significant difference in the factors affecting the study habits of the fourth year Bachelor of Science in Nursing students of De La Salle Health Sciences Campus when they were grouped according to gender, parents’ monthly income, living arrangement, family structure and personality type. However, there are significant differences in the factors affecting the study habits of fourth year Bachelor of Science in Nursing students of De La Salle Health Sciences Campus when they were grouped according to a) gender in terms of teacher characteristics and b) living arrangement in terms of parental support.

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