"Level of self-esteem and level of hope of adolescents with cancer in K" by Eileen May I. Mancenido and Ma. Anthonette G. Matanguihan

Level of self-esteem and level of hope of adolescents with cancer in Kythe Tumor Clinic East Avenue Medical Center

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Self Concept, Hope, Adolescents, Neoplasms


This study used a non-experimental correlational type of research. The respondents were the adolescents with cancer of Kythe Tumor Clinic-East Avenue Medical Center regardless of the kind of cancer they have. There were 30 respondents selected through purposive sampling technique. The study adapted two (2) research instruments. The first questionnaire was used to measure the level of self-esteem and the other was used to measure the level of hope. Additional questions were included to elicit sociodemographic data of the respondents. Data was analyzed through relative frequency in percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test of the independent mean, f-test and test of correlation and the Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient. The study concluded that, half of the respondents were male and half were female, the age bracket of the respondents is 12-20 years, majority are attending school, undergoing medical check-up and have both parents. A small number of the respondents are not attending school, undergoing chemotherapy or cobalt therapy and have one (1) parent or relative as their family. Half of the respondents' type of cancer involves the immune system and the other half includes other systems such as the reproductive system, gastrointestinal system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system and special senses. The level of self-esteem of adolescents with cancer in Kythe Tumor Clinic-East Avenue Medical Center is very high. The level of hope of adolescents with cancer in Kythe Tumor Clinic-East Avenue Medical Center is very high. There is no significant difference on the level of self-esteem of the respondents when grouped according to age, gender, school attendance, system involved, reason for clinic visit, and family structure. There is no significant difference on the level of hope of respondents when grouped according to age, gender, system involved, reason for clinic visit, and family structure but the level of hope of patients attending school significantly differ with those patients who are not attending school. Adolescents with cancer with high level of self-esteem also has high level of hope. A significant relationship exists between level of self-esteem and level of hope of cancer patients. Self-esteem is associated with hope. If a teen-agers' self-esteem is low, it follows that an individual is more likely to despair and loose hope.

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