"Factors affecting the clinical performance of Bachelor of Science in N" by John Mickaell Dulfo, Josail Margarett B. Lim et al.

Factors affecting the clinical performance of Bachelor of Science in Nursing students in De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


College Students, Nursing, Clinical Competence


This study utilized a descriptive research design. The respondents were composed of 123 Bachelor of Science of Nursing students chosen using purposive sampling. The research questionnaire used was an adapted and modified. The study concluded that, 1) Most of the respondents were Catholic, female and in fourth year; 2) The factors affecting the clinical performance of the respondents to a very great extent were being an approachable clinical instructor, being knowledgeable of their patient's diagnosis, establishing good relationship with their patient, being guided by their clinical instructor, having regular and enough hours of sleep, being hygienically prepared, reviewing their past lessons before their clinical duty, having good relationship with staff nurses and patient's relatives and eating their meal before duty. The factors affecting the clinical performance of the respondents to a great extent were not asking their clinical instructor for clarification, having good relationship with their significant others, watching medical-related TV series or surfing the internet, not observing their groupmates’ performance first, having an uncooperative patient, having a hot clinical area and taking vitamin supplements to improve their strength and resistance. The factors affecting the clinical performance of the respondents to a moderate extent were doing regular exercises and having the staff nurses and doctors observe them performing. The overall result was interpreted as affecting to a very great extent; 3) The factors affecting the clinical performance of Bachelor of Science in Nursing students in De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute did not differ significantly in terms of religion, sex and year level.

First Advisor

Marjorie Fay P. Sta. Maria

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