Looking through the lives of visually challenged individuals

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Visually Impaired Persons


This study used phenomenological approach of qualitative research. The researchers conducted several interviews with the informants using a tape recorder with consent. Informants were asked to have their right thumb marked for each consent from and the signature of the witnesses who was present in the actual interview. Guided by Colazzi’s method, the researchers transcribed and encoded the information, extracted significant statements and formulated meanings and ended up with sub themes and themes. Using purposive sampling technique, the informants were composed of nine (9) visually challenged individuals whose ages ranged from 11-74 years of old and all are residing in Cavite. Based on the results, the study concluded that the experiences of visually challenged individuals are almost similar in terms of the limitations and changes in their physical activities, which require the use of the sense of sight. Even if their sense of sight was lost, they still have the capabilities to function well in the society. Almost all of them received similar reactions from the people in their environment in terms of how they were treated and valued. In spite of some unpleasant responses that some of them received from the people around them, they still managed to cope with their day-to-day life activities and learned how to deal with the limitations and changes that their condition has brought them. On the other hand, the manner of how they perceive themselves and their way of accepting their condition varied differently from each other depending on the cause of their loss of vision, their age when loss of vision occurred and the presence of support system around them.

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