"Perception of the nursing faculty members regarding factors affecting " by Maria Carissa F. Minas and Rodolfo P. Hernandez Jr. II

Perception of the nursing faculty members regarding factors affecting effective teaching in selected nursing schools in Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Teaching, Faculty, Nursing


This study utilized a descriptive type of research. Using purposive sampling technique, the study focused on the perception of 50 nursing faculty members regarding factors affecting teaching in selected nursing school in Cavite. The researchers utilized a self-made 24-item questionnaire as the main tool of gathering data based on the problem presented and were supplemented by related literature gathered. The statistical treatments used were percentage, mean, t-test and f-test. The study concluded that: 1) Majority of the respondents were female, married, 34 years old and below, had 1-2 children, Masters degree holder, with 1-5 years of teaching experience and with a monthly salary of P10,001 to P20,000; 2) Most of the nursing faculty members in selected nursing schools in Cavite agreed that the factors presented really affect effective teaching; 3) The profiles of the respondents were not related to the perception of nursing faculty members regarding factors affecting teaching.

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