"The different problems encountered by the senior nursing students of D" by Ahlene Tolentino and Romeo Dela Cruz

The different problems encountered by the senior nursing students of DLSU-EAC batch 1991 with regard to the types of single parents

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Single Parent, Nursing Students


This study used descriptive type of research. The respondents were the senior nursing students of De La Salle University-Emilio Aguinaldo College-Batch 1991 who are 19-20 years of age and presently enrolled at the Nursing Department of DLSU-EAC. They were selected using purposive sampling technique from the three (3) sections of the fourth year whose population consist of males and females. They were categorized according to the type of single parent they have such as widowed type, separated type and temporary single type. Fourth year students with single parents were selected. Among the 127 seniors, only 28 subjects living with a single parent family were chosen. Survey was conducted using closed ended type of questionnaire. Data was analyzed through percentage. The study concluded that majority of the respondents belong to the temporary single parent family and that the respondents feel that lack of time is among the difficulties they have encountered in having a single parent.

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