"Obesity and its impact on health as perceived by young adults" by Frances Jasmine B. Manalo, Danna Patricia R. Maranan et al.

Obesity and its impact on health as perceived by young adults

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Obesity, Young Adults


This study utilized a non-experimental, descriptive research design. The respondents were 200 young adults and were identified using non-probability, quota-convenience sampling. The research instrument was adapted from the unpublished undergraduate thesis of Madrid and Mayor (2000) entitled “Perception of Adolescence on Obesity and its Implication to Peer Acceptance” and Soriano (1989) entitled “Effects and Management of Obesity among Women 40 and above in Prinza, General Trias, Cavite”. Data was analysed using frequency distribution, percentage, mean, t-test, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Based on the findings of the study, the research concluded that (1) majority of the respondents were female, Roman Catholic, high school graduates, and without family history of obesity; (2) the respondents had high level of perception regarding obesity and its impact on health; (3) there was no significant difference on their perception regarding obesity and its impact on health when grouped according to gender, religion, educational attainment, and family history of obesity.

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