"Perception on the effects of cyberbullying on the level of confidence " by Zamierre Clydezdale R. Benevice, Theresa A. Caravana et al.

Perception on the effects of cyberbullying on the level of confidence among nursing students at De La Salle Health Sciences Institute

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Cyberbullying, Self-Esteem, Nursing Students


The study utilized a quantitative descriptive, non-experimental research design. The respondents of this study were limited to 41 nursing students enrolled at the College of Nursing at De La Salle Health Sciences Institute, who, regardless of age, year level, gender, religion, civil status, monthly family income, duration and recency of cyberbullying, have experienced cyberbullying, particularly the cyberharassment type, more than once at some point in their lives. Purposive or judgemental sampling was used in the study. A self-made questionnaire was used as instrument and data was analysed using frequency distribution, percentage distribution, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and f-test. The following conclusions were derived from the findings of the study: (1) Out of 41 respondents, majority were: ages 17 and below, single, had been cyberbullied for 1-2 weeks, female, have a monthly family income of P250,000 and above, had been cyberbullied more than 6 months ago, Catholic, and in the first year level; (2) an overall mean of 2.70 showed that the respondents have a moderate perception on the effects of cyberbullying on their level of confidence; (3) there were no significant differences in the perception on the effects of cyberbullying when the respondents were grouped according to social demographics as evidenced by p values of 0.92 (age), 0.88 (civil status), 0.35 (duration), 0.44 (gender), 0.39 (monthly family income), 0.15 (recency), 0.77 (religion), and 0.54 (year level) which were all higher than 0.05 level of significance. This indicated that age, civil status, duration of cyberbullying, gender, monthly family income, recency of cyberbullying, religion and year level were not determinants of the respondents’ perception on the effects of cyberbullying on the level of their confidence.

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