"Perception on the effects of peer influences on the academic performan" by Rona Angelyn L. Espanillo, Christine Cherluth D. Jaen et al.

Perception on the effects of peer influences on the academic performance of Bachelor of Science in nursing students of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Academic Performance, Peer Influence, Nursing Students


This study utilized a descriptive, non-experimental type of research to identify the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, year level, family structure, residence, monthly family income and personality type, as well as the performance and whether there were any significant differences on the perception on the effects of peer influences on the academic performance by the respondents. Two hundred seventy-nine (279) students enrolled in Bachelor of Science in Nursing in De La Salle Health Sciences Institute were chosen using total population sampling. A self-made questionnaire was utilized as instrument and data was analysed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and t-test. The study concluded the following: (1) majority of the respondents were 18 to 21 years old, females most of them were from the first year level, belonging to a two-parent family, living in their own residences with their parents, aunties, grandparents or other relatives, had a monthly family income of Php100,000-249,999 and were ambiverts; (2) the respondents perceived to a great extent that peer influence has an effect on their academic performance. The respondents perceived to a great extent that they never focus more on bonding with their peers as this may prompt them to sneak out of class which results to missed quizzes and activities. They least perceived that they often were anxious about their poor performance in school whenever their peers performed well; (3) the perception on the effects of peer influences on the academic performance of the respondents were the same regardless of age, gender, year level, family structure, residence, monthly family income and personality type.

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