"The lived experiences of mothers having a child with cerebral palsy" by Noel Bryan A. Castillo, Valerie Ann B. Engcoy et al.

The lived experiences of mothers having a child with cerebral palsy

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Cerebral Palsy, Life Change Events.


The phenomenological approach of qualitative research was used in this study. The participants of the study were selected based on the following criteria: they are biological mothers who have a child or children with cerebral palsy diagnosed by a licensed pediatrician, The child or children of the participants had been chosen regardless of age, gender, and type of cerebral palsy, The participants can be a full-time housewife, a working mother or a mother with the aid of caregivers. Data collection was done after obtaining an informed consent and permission to record their experiences using a voice recorder to operate as a data gathering instrument. Significant statements pertaining to the phenomenon under study were extracted from the transcriptions. Collaizi’s phenomenological approach and procedural steps were used to analyze the collected data. The study noted the sheer unambiguous life experiences of the mothers having a child with cerebral palsy; the early formative years of their child, the care they render and their present life setting, whether favorable or not.

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