"Perception of the people in the community regarding operation timbang" by Susan V. Pellos

Perception of the people in the community regarding operation timbang

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Health Education, Public Health


The descriptive survey method was utilized for the purpose of determining perception of the people in the community of Barangay Osorio, Trece Martirez City regarding Operation Timbang. The subject of the study consisted of all the parents with pre-school children of Barangay Osorio, Trece Martirez City administering the 50 mothers. The instruments were interview sheet and questionnaire. The researchers found out that regarding the perception of the people in the community in Operation Timbang, it could be said that it has been advocated by the Philippine Nutrition Program as one of the important thing that each member of the family know about. They also perceived that the benefits they get out of their activity were: as a reminder to the parents of how important their children’s health and as a guide to parents on how they can give the right care to their children. Regarding the service components of Operation Timbang, all of respondents perceived that, it located families with underweight pre-school children and identified pre-school children needing immediate assistance. Having considered all the data gathered through all the responses of the parents in the community, the researchers concluded the following: 1) Hypotheses number one was tested and proven true, since people in the community have similar understanding about Operation Timbang; 2) Hypotheses number two was also tested and proven true, since all of the respondents perceived that they get benefits from Operation Timbang; and 3) Hypotheses number three was proven true and well accepted, since people in the community have the same perception regarding the service components of Operation Timbang.

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