"Level of significance of the selected factors which influenced the nur" by Rowena L. Madlangbayan and Normita B. Sarinas

Level of significance of the selected factors which influenced the nursing skills as perceived by the selected fourth year nursing students batch 1992.

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


College Students, Nursing, Clinical Competence


This study utilized the descriptive type of research. The respondents are selected fourth year nursing students Batch 1992. It was limited to 109 selected BSN IV students of De La Salle University- Emilio Aguinaldo College which was selected through simple random sampling out of 170 students. Simple questionnaire was formulated as a main tool of gathering data, based on the problem presented. Findings showed that respondents have different convictions about methods and strategies used in Related Learning Experience which strengthened and developed their nursing skills. Majority believed that practice of skills in the Fundamental Nursing Laboratory and lectures highly affects their acquired skills. Some said the pre and post conference also have a relevance but not so high. Only few considered that film showing and reporting has a significance in the development of nursing skills. In conclusion, the practice of skills in the Fundamental Nursing Laboratory and lectures strengthened an developed the nursing skills of the respondents. Management skills applied to related learning situation of students, skills in performing nursing processes and intelligence of the teachers are among the teaching factors that affected the development of nursing skills in relation to Related Learning Experience. The hypotheses presented in this study are accepted.

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