In-vitro determination of clot lysis activity of Laportea meyeniana walp (Stinging nettle leaves) extract

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science


Pant Extracts, Blood Coagulation, stinging nettle lectin


This study used experimental research design. The method used for crude extraction was methanolic maceration. For blood drawing, cardiac puncture. For determination of clot lysis, used the percent clot lysis and observe at interval of 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours. The results of the study showed that the highest clot lysis exhibited was observed at (Streptokinase_ with 49.08% after 72 hours, while the optimum concentration to lyse the clots is 500 ug/ml with 44/95%, followed by 300 ug/ml with 38.31%, then 100 ug/ml with 34.52%. However, there is significant difference between the concentration and the controls, while the least time duration after 72 hours was 500 ug/ml which was observed within 48 minuntes and 29 seconds.

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