Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science


Level of awareness, Antimicrobial-resistant bacteria, Non-teaching Personnel


This study aims to determine the level of awareness of the Non-Teaching Personnel of the Academic Services of De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute on antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. The demographic factors (years of service, educational attainment, age, sex) were determined to assess if these factors affect the level of awareness of the non-teaching personnel. The study used a cross-sectional and descriptive study that utilized a quantitative design for its methodology and adapted a questionnaire to better suit the study. The researchers sampled 84 respondents with varying ages, sex, educational attainment, and length of service within the institution. The results showed a majority of the respondents are female, below 30 years old, obtained a bachelor’s degree, and worked with the institution for at most 5 years. Based on the results, these individuals have a high level of awareness. However, there is no association between the level of awareness and the demographic factors of the respondents.

First Advisor

Efren M. Torres Jr.
