"The association across menstrual regularity, dysmenorrhea pain degree," by Ronna Mae L. Bongcasan, Jan Maureen N. Cabiguen et al.

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science


menstrual regularity, dysmenorrheal pain degree, self-management practices, female adolescents


Menstrual pain remains a common gynecological condition affecting women and their daily lives depending on its duration and severity. Symptoms include spasms of pain below the belly button, back and thigh pain, headache, nausea, vomiting, and irritability. Different self-management strategies are applied by women. Complementary approaches such as topical home remedies, bed rest, and exercise are usually done, while some use medications to control their symptoms associated with menstrual pain. There is a huge gap in local and foreign studies about dysmenorrhea and self-management practices. Therefore, this study aims to establish the correlation of the regularity of the menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhea degree of pain, and self-management practices of female students. To address the research problem of the study, the group gathered data about the menstrual profile, pain degree level, and self-management strategies among women experiencing dysmenorrhea at the College of Medical Laboratory Science at De La Salle Health Sciences Institute. The methods used in this study are mainly WaLIDD scoring system and chi-square of independence or association. The WaLIDD scoring system was used to determine the student's level of pain. The chi-square of independence was used to see if there is a link between the three variables of dysmenorrhea pain, self-management strategies, and menstrual regularity. Out of the 155 female students, our findings show that there is no link between the menstrual cycle and self-management strategies, nor between the menstrual cycle and the intensity of dysmenorrhea pain. Selfmanagement strategies and the degree of dysmenorrhea pain, on the other hand, results indicate a link between these two variables.

First Advisor

Vincent Mark G. Tandog
