The relationship between non-CNS tuberculosis and the increased risk of stroke among OPD and TB-DOTS center patients of DLSUMC during January 2015 : a cross-sectional study

Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Community Medicine


Tuberculosis, Stroke


This research was a cross-sectional type of study. Two groups were created using stratified random sampling to make sure both non-CNS tuberculosis patients and non-tuberculosis patients were well represented. Simple random sampling from each stratum was done to derive the study's 310 participants. A self-administered questionnaire was utilized. Prevalence ratio was used to determine the relationship between the tuberculosis status and the risk of stroke. Chi-square was utilized to compute for the difference regarding the risk of stroke between those with and without stroke. The prevalence ratio for a high risk of a stroke was 1.45 among the tuberculosis population compared to the non-tuberculosis population. The results showed that the prevalence of a high risk for a stroke was greater in the tuberculosis population which suggested that tuberculosis had an association with a high risk for a stroke. However, the p-value found that the test was not statistically significant therefore the risk of stroke in the tuberculosis population was not statistically significant different from the risk of stroke in the group without tuberculosis.

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