Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy


Athletes, COVID-19, Exercise, Stress, Psychological


Due to the prolonged home confinement, challenges in performing physical activity among athletes emerged. These challenges can be classified according to the socioecological model (SEM) which includes the individual, social, environmental, policy, and global levels. On the other hand, an athlete's mental health that is negatively affected by the pandemic potentially leads to psychological and physical stress. This study is a descriptive correlational study that aimed to determine if a significant relationship exists between the different physical activity challenges and stress levels among DLSMHSI CRS student athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic. A three-part, self-made survey instrument was distributed through Google forms to the 33 DLSMHSI CRS student athletes (2nd Semester SY 2020-2021) who gave their consent to participate in the study. The results showed that there is no significant relationship (Pearson-r=0.126; p-value=0.486) between the overall physical activity challenges (individual, social, environmental, policy, global) and overall stress level (psychological and physical stress) of DLSMHSI CRS student athletes during this COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, there is no significant difference in the PAC and stress levels experienced by the student athletes when grouped according to type of sport. However, there is a noted significant difference in the PAC at the individual level (p-value=0.039) of the student athletes when grouped according to gender. A significant difference in the physical stress levels (pvalue=0.016) of the student athletes was also noted when grouped according to gender. As this study is the first to explore the relationship between the PAC and stress level, findings of this study may serve as a keystone for future research that will further explore the association between the said variables. It is recommended to conduct the study among a larger population group, strengthen reliability of the instrument used, and investigate the relationship between each level of PAC and stress types to obtain more specific results.

First Advisor

Mary Angelica V. Legaspi
