Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy


Physical Therapy, Obesity, Perception, Weight Stigma


For physical therapists to provide quality care and service to their patients, one must fulfill their duties without any form of discrimination or stigma in treating their patients. The presence of weight stigma in the clinical setting based on international studies created an opportunity to raise awareness of physical therapists in the Philippine setting with regards to their perception towards patients with obesity which may improve the approach and delivery of treatment. Using a descriptive quantitative design, 27 Cavite-based physical therapists have been invited online through convenience sampling and answered a 22-item online survey questionnaire which assessed their perception of weight stigma as to its presence in the clinical setting, their attitudes towards patients with obesity and their expectation of treatment compliance and success of these patients. Data was analyzed using mean, median, quartiles, minimum and maximum, t-test, Mann Whitney test, and Fisher’s Exact test. The result of the study suggests that overall, Cavite-based physical therapists do not exhibit moderate weight stigma towards patients with obesity. It further shows that weight stigma is not commonly present in the clinical setting, but it reflects on their perception of patients with obesity because they think that these patients occasionally do not have enough motivation to make a lifestyle change, do not make an effort in improving themselves, and have difficulty in compliance with home exercise program. These findings contribute local knowledge about weight stigma in the field of physical therapy. Cavite-based physical therapists can set an example to other physical therapists so that weight stigma will not be present in the clinical settings which may improve the approach and delivery of treatment of patients with obesity.

First Advisor

John Andrei Perando
