Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy


Physical Therapists, Stroke Rehabilitation, COVID-19, Moving and Lifting Patients


The objective of the study is to describe the experiences of physical therapists handling patients with stroke in terms of challenges encountered and coping mechanisms in delivering rehabilitation services during COVID-19 pandemic. The research design used in this study is the qualitative descriptive approach. The participants comprise of 18 physical therapists handling patients with stroke working in hospitals and clinics during the pandemic in selected cities in Cavite. The researchers used two data collection methods namely Focus Group Discussion and One-onone interview. Triangulation, member checking, and reflexivity was used in this study to ensure credibility and establish rigour of the study. Eight major themes emerged from the experiences of the participants: PT examination challenges, PT intervention challenges, well-being challenges, challenges, protocol challenges, personal strategies, service delivery strategies, workplace strategies and consequences of pandemic. Therefore, experiences of PTs in a stroke care setting can be used to improve rehabilitation services as well as current guidelines in hospitals and clinics by gaining knowledge and awareness of this data since findings showed significance to the PT practice and are validated by current knowledge and evidence regarding the challenges and coping strategies experienced by PTs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Aside from negative consequences of pandemic in PT practice, positive consequences were also established in this study as an emerging data. Lastly, the results of this study could catalyze a change in the PT practice to adapt to new changes caused by the pandemic.

First Advisor

Ram Janzen C. Fauni
