Comprehensive profile of selected clients from Dr. Jose P. Rizal Elementary School covering S.Y. 2016-2017 using school function assessment

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy


Disabled Children


The study used a descriptive type of research design. Random sampling was used in the study. A total of 14 students were assessed but two were excluded since the researchers were not able to obtain their age. This study used School Function Assessment by Wendy Coster (1999) as a research questionnaire. Data was analyzed through mean and standard deviation. This research concluded that specialized professionals such as Physical Therapists and occupational therapists should tailor their intervention based on what the child needs. Currently, physical therapists are needed to improve the patient's posture and balance. Improving fine movements that are needed in writing is also a must intervention for occupational therapists. Also, the school facility must be adapted to suit the needs of CWD. The assessed CWD may need further follow up assessment in the future to determine their change in function and needs.

First Advisor

Marivic D. Valerio

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