Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy


Knowledge, Practices, Unused Medication, Storage and Disposal, Undergraduate Students


In the Philippines, most Filipinos have insufficient knowledge and understanding of the appropriate household storage and disposal of medicines. The consequences of storing unnecessary medicines and the act of inappropriate storage at home then impose risks on both human health and the environment. This study aimed to determine the relationship of undergraduate students’ demographic profile (age, sex, resident location, and undergraduate program) to the knowledge and practices in regards to proper storage and disposal of medications.

A descriptive-correlational, cross-sectional study was conducted among 229 randomly selected undergraduate students from De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute (DLSMHSI). An online-questionnaire survey through Google forms was used in the data collection.

The majority of the respondents were mostly female (68.1%), 18-20 years of age (55.9%), and mostly lived in urban areas (86.9%). The results of the data showed that the respondents had above-average knowledge about drug storage and disposal practices (Overall Mean = 3.43). The respondents have shown to have some good practices, including reading the label of the drug product and checking the expiration dates. However, poor practices were observed regarding the storage of unused and expired medicines, in which respondents commonly store for 1 to 2 years, and even when medications passed the said expiration date.

Findings prove that the demographic profile of the undergraduate students has no significant relationship with the level of knowledge and practices.

First Advisor

Kristeen Joy Mercado
